WARNING: As this organisation lists one or more EP accredited lobbyists, it may not be probable that its lobbying costs are lower than €10,000.
Lobbying Costs
10,000€ - 24,999€
Financial year: Jan 2022 - Dec 2022
Lobbyists (Full time equivalent)
1 Fte (2)
Lobbyists with EP accreditation
High-level Commission meetings
Lobbying Costs over the years
Asociatia pentru Promovarea Alimentului Romanesc (APAR)
EU Transparency Register
116915712797-73 First registered on 10 Feb 2014
Goals / Remit
Pro Romanian Food Association - APAR is a non-profit legal person registered in Romania in the Register of Associations and Foundations, Transparency Register Number: 116915712797-73.
• APAR’s main purpose is to promote Romanian products in the agri-food sector;
• In the governing bodies of the association there are no representatives of public institutions or political parties;
• The organization was set up in 2012 and has been working continuously since its establishment. The financial reports are transmitted to the tax authorities in accordance with the legal provisions and the important activities as well as the periodical financial reports are communicated to the Single Transparency Interest Register (RUTI) and the EU Transparency Register;
• The activities of APAR were in the interest of all producers in Romania;
APAR has over 130 members active in the food industry and whose turnover (2.1 billion Euro) represents over 21,8% of the total Romanian food sector.Main EU files targeted
1. Regulamentul (UE) nr. 1151/2012 al Parlamentului European și al Consiliului din 21 noiembrie 2012 privind sistemele din domeniul calității produselor agricole și alimentare
2. Regulamentul de punere în aplicare (UE) nr. 1085/2011 al Comisiei din 27 octombrie 2011 de modificare a Regulamentului (CE) nr. 501/2008 de stabilire a normelor de aplicare a Regulamentului (CE) nr. 3/2008 al Consiliului privind acțiunile de informare și promovare pentru produsele agricole pe piața internă și în țările terțe
3. Regulamentul (UE) nr. 1144/2014 al Parlamentului European și al Consiliului din 22 octombrie 2014 privind acțiunile de informare și promovare referitoare la produsele agricole puse în aplicare pe piața internă și în țările terțe și de abrogare a Regulamentului (CE) nr. 3/2008 al Consiliului
4. Regulamentul (UE) nr. 1305/2013 al Parlamentului European și al Consiliului din 17 decembrie 2013 privind sprijinul pentru dezvoltare rurală acordat din Fondul european agricol pentru dezvoltare rurală (FEADR) și de abrogare a Regulamentului (CE) nr. 1698/2005 al Consiliului
5.Regulamentul (UE) nr. 1307/2013 al Parlamentului European și al Consiliului din 17 decembrie 2013 de stabilire a unor norme privind plățile directe acordate fermierilor prin scheme de sprijin în cadrul politicii agricole comune și de abrogare a Regulamentului (CE) nr. 637/2008 al Consiliului și a Regulamentului (CE) nr. 73/2009 al Consiliului
6. Regulamentul (CE) nr. 1333/2008 al Parlamentului European și al Consiliului din 16 decembrie 2008 privind aditivii alimentari (Text cu relevanță pentru SEE)Address
Head Office
I.C. Bratianu str, no. 97A
Mogosoaia 077135
I.C. Bratianu str, no. 97A
Mogosoaia 077135
Total lobbyists declared
Employment time Lobbyists 50% 2 Lobbyists (Full time equivalent)
Lobbyists with EP accreditation
All Lobbyists with EP accreditation over time
0 accreditations were / are live (in bold) for the selected state of 15 Sep 2024
Name Start date End Date Mr Decebal Stefanita Padure 14 Oct 2014 03 Oct 2015 Complementary Information
Person in charge of EU relations
Data not provided by Register Secretariat due to GDPR
Person with legal responsibility
Data not provided by Register Secretariat due to GDPR
Trade unions and professional associations
APAR este membra a Federatiei Nationale PRO AGRO
Member organisations
None declared
Financial Data
Interests represented
Promotes their own interests or the collective interests of their members
Closed financial year
Jan 2022 - Dec 2022
Lobbying costs for closed financial year
10,000€ - 24,999€
Major contributions in closed year
None declared
Intermediaries for closed year
None declaredIntermediaries for current year
None declaredClosed year Costs
10,000€ - 24,999€
Other financial info
None declared
EU Structures
Groups (European Commission)
Groups (European Parliament)
Communication activities
In 2013, APAR became a member of the The Romanian Farmers and Food Industry Federation - PRO AGRO representing the position by civil dialogue at European level "quality and promotion of products." Our representatives actively participated in drafting the new regulation on promotion of agrifood products - Regulation (EU) no. 1144/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2014 on information and promotion actions for agricultural products on the internal market implemented in third countries. As member of PRO AGRO, APAR has gained membership in the Romanian Export Council, organizing the most important external promotion actions for Romanian producers.
Other activities
None declared
- Meetings
None declared
- Meetings