Lobbying Costs
50,000€ - 99,999€
Financial year: Jan 2023 - Dec 2023
Lobbyists (Full time equivalent)
0.6 Fte (3)
Lobbyists with EP accreditation
High-level Commission meetings
Lobbying Costs over the years
International Water Mist Association (IWMA)
EU Transparency Register
684914223426-38 First registered on 15 Sep 2016
Goals / Remit
IWMA promotes water mist which is a way to extinguish and suppress fires. For this purpose, IWMA organizes seminars and conference and goes to fairs. The purpose is to educate those who are involved in fire protection. The IWMA conference is a two day event. During the first day applications are introduced, the second da is dedicated to research and testing. IWMA publishes articles about water mist to spread the knowledge. IWMA is involved in CEN work to support the standardization process. IWMA is also involved in the work of IMO and has also representatives who attend NFPA 750 meetings, this being the U.S. American standard for water mist. IWMA carries out research projects via indepenent institutes. IWMA supports young research with its IWMA Young Talent Award. To guarantee a high scientific standard the IWMA has a scientific council.
Main EU files targeted
IWMA is involved in the work of CEN and IMO. As far as the CEN-work is concerned, IWMA is part of the work to establish and update a European Standard for water mist (CEN 14972).
Head Office
Poststraße 33 im Hamburg Business Center
Hamburg 20354
Poststraße 33 im Hamburg Business Center
Hamburg 20354
Total lobbyists declared
Employment time Lobbyists 25% 2 10% 1 Lobbyists (Full time equivalent)
Lobbyists with EP accreditation
No lobbyists with EP accreditations
Complementary Information
None declared
Person in charge of EU relations
Data not provided by Register Secretariat due to GDPR
Person with legal responsibility
Data not provided by Register Secretariat due to GDPR
Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar
CEN (Liaison), DIVB Deutsches Institut für vorbeugenden Brandschutz, Euralarm, European Fire Safety Alliance
Member organisations
None declared
Financial Data
Interests represented
Promotes their own interests or the collective interests of their members
Closed financial year
Jan 2023 - Dec 2023
Lobbying costs for closed financial year
50,000€ - 99,999€
Major contributions in closed year
None declared
Intermediaries for closed year
Name Amount jan tim schueszler 0€ - 10,000€ jan tim schueszler 0€ - 10,000€ jan tim schueszler 0€ - 10,000€ Intermediaries for current year
Name jan tim schueszler Closed year Costs
50,000€ - 99,999€
Other financial info
None declared
EU Structures
Groups (European Commission)
Marine Equipment Expert Group#E02653#https://ec.europa.eu/transparency/expert-groups-register/screen/expert-groups/consult?lang=en&groupID=2653 #Observer #C#Industry
Groups (European Parliament)
Trade unions
Communication activities
IWMA's aim is to deliver educational information to the firefighting world as well as to the public. As far as public relations are concerned IWMA publishes articles on a regular basis. These articles explain water mist and are published in relevant magazines and also on the IWMA webpage. IWMA organizes a variety of events, including an annual conference and educational seminars. IWMA also bestows the IWMA Young Talent Award. This award goes to young researchers who have just finished their master or Ph.D. thesis. The award was first bestowed in 2016 and has since gone to the author of the best master thesis in one year and to the author of the best Ph.D. thesis in the following year. There are a some committees within IWMA apart from the IWMA Board of Directors (which discusses and decides about strategic matters and monetary matters). there is for example the IWMA Scientific Council. The members of that council evaluate the abstracts for the annual water mist conference and the submissions for the IWMA Young Talent Award. The IWMA Marketing Group takes care of the content of the IWMA webpage and of brochures and other promotional material. IWMA is present at international events with its representatives. These events are fairs/exhibitions as well as conferences where IWMA representatives may give a speech to introduce the organization.
Other activities
None declared
- Meetings
None declared
- Meetings