Comité Européen de Coordination

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No longer registered as of 23 Apr 2016 - Registration as it was on 22 Apr 2015
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The following entries are flagged as duplicates of this organisation: 052588323201-74


Lobbying Costs

None declared

Financial year: Jan 2014 - Dec 2014

Lobbyists (Full time equivalent)

2 Fte (4)

Lobbyists with EP accreditation


High-level Commission meetings


Lobbying Costs over the years

  • Info

    Comité Européen de Coordination   (CEC)

    EU Transparency Register

    333457117059-94 First registered on 22 Apr 2015

    Goals / Remit

    The purpose of the CEC is to develop a European partnership and projects between several organizations having for mission in particular at the regional level the social and professional integration of public in difficulty in the labour market giving them a series of skills (technical, behavioural…), trainings, work experiences matching with the needs of the enterprises and the labour market.
    CEC is gathering 22 members representing around 850 associations (vocational schools, training centres, social cooperatives, social enterprises...) in 14 Member States of the EU. CEC has more than 20 years of experience in the management, coordination and dissemination of European projects (Progress, LLP, Daphne) and is a reference network for the establishment of partnership for the realization of promotion initiatives at a European level for vocational training and integration of young and adults low-skilled people.

    Main EU files targeted

    The CEC through its members develop initiatives designed to support youth in difficulty throughout an integration pathway that can be summarized into 4 phases: rehabilitation, training, integration, accompaniment towards and into the labour market.
    For more than 20 years the CEC participates and coordinates European projects (Equal, Progress, Erasmus+, DAPHNE, ESF...), proposes a permanent reflection on the European dimension of the socio-professional integration of public in difficulty, and to develop between the partners exchange of experience, staff, trainers and trainees.
    To better meet the needs of the market and necessary skills regarding employment for groups in difficulty, the CEC works in logic of partnership multiplying contacts with the national and European social partners and the private sector.
    As a European network, the CEC proposes to support the dissemination of the project results via multiple channels (newsletters, website, European seminars involving the European institutions and European social partners, contacts via its members with public authorities and policy makers from more or less 30 regions in Europe).

    The dissemination activity leader, CEC

    - Has developed partnerships with relevant European networks including Corporate Social Responsibility CSR-Europe. CSR Europe is the most important network of companies in Europe whose strategy incorporates the principles of Corporate Social Responsibility and is a respected advisor to EU's institutions. It also collaborates with the European Vocational Training Association (EVTA) the organization whose members include national and regional public employment and training providers in the EU.

    - Participates in the think tank “Centre Européen du Travail” whose members include European Commission Officials, former Advisers of ETUC, Belgian Trade Unions, Officials of the Belgian Employment Ministry and non-for-profit sector representatives. This think tank will use and disseminate the project outputs among MEPs and other European Institutions to improve the involvement of social enterprises in waste management and renewable energies and promote recognition tools and re-and up-skilling of low skilled young and adult people.


    Head Office
    Chaussée de Boondael 6
    Bruxelles 1050
  • People

    Total lobbyists declared


    Employment timeLobbyists

    Lobbyists (Full time equivalent)


    Lobbyists with EP accreditation

    No lobbyists with EP accreditations

    Complementary Information


    Person in charge of EU relations


    Person with legal responsibility


  • Categories


    III - Non-governmental organisations


    Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar

  • Networking


    - CSR Europe
    - ENSIE
    - EVTA

    Member organisations

  • Financial Data

    Closed financial year

    Jan 2014 - Dec 2014

    Lobbying costs for closed financial year

    None declared

    EU grant income for closed financial year

    55,033 € (Source: EACEA Erasmus KA3 Grand Agreement 2014-0545/552865 + ATOMS LEONARDO TOI + DAPHNE POVEL)

    Other financial info

    None declared

  • EU Structures

    Groups (European Commission)




    Groups (European Parliament)


    Communication activities

    Erasmus+ Action Clé 3 « Soutien aux réformes politiques : Coopération avec la société civile dans les domaines de l’enseignement et de la formation ».

    Dans le cadre de ce projet, le CEC a décidé de réunir ses membres autour d’un projet d’envergure.
    Objectifs du projet :
    Renforcer les réseaux européens visant au développement des politiques d’enseignement et de formation favorisant l’insertion sociale et professionnelle des publics vulnérables en Europe ;
    Informer les parties prenantes concernées des projets européens dans les domaines de l’éducation et de la formation et renforcer leur participation ;
    Renforcer en interne le CEC par le biais de l’organisation de séminaires communs et promouvoir les activités du réseau vers l’extérieur et leur assurer une visibilité maximale.
    Élaborer une série de recommandations politiques à partir des bonnes pratiques du réseau.

    Projet Leonardo Toi Action to Make System - ATOMS

    Ce projet cofinancé par la Commission européenne (DG Éducation et Culture) et l'Agence francophone pour l'éducation et la formation tout au long de la vie (AEF) propose un transfert d’innovation d'outils et bonnes pratiques de lutte contre le décrochage scolaire et de formation afin de tenter de réduire le taux de jeunes "décrocheurs" dans les pays partenaires. Lors du 1er partenariat Leonardo (réunissant la Belgique, l’Italie et la France), les partenaires ont pu identifier les dispositifs existants en termes de lutte contre l’abandon scolaire mais reconnaissent nécessaire d’approfondir une méthodologie novatrice, tels les outils et bonnes pratiques des SAS (Services d’Accrochage Scolaire) en tant que possible réponse à la problématique du décrochage.

    Projet Eramsus + Partenariat Stratégique "Pédagogie de Chantier"

    A pour objectifs de :

    Développer les méthodes opérantes de pédagogie de chantier et de pédagogie de projet en direction des formateurs, décideurs, structures et organismes mettant en œuvre des dispositifs en faveur de jeunes adultes en situation de décrochage scolaire, de vulnérabilité sur le marché du travail, d'exclusion économique et sociale.

    Tester la mise en œuvre des dispositifs

    Other activities


  • Meetings


    None declared

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