Institute for Nature Conservation in Albania

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Registration as it was on 12 Apr 2024
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Since 20 September 2021 self-declared 'non-commercial organisations' are no longer required to provide a lobby budget. See above timeline for this registrant's historical lobby budget.

Lobbying Costs

None declared

Financial year: Jan 2023 - Dec 2023

Lobbyists (Full time equivalent)

1 Fte (3)

Lobbyists with EP accreditation


High-level Commission meetings


Lobbying Costs over the years

  • Info

    Institute for Nature Conservation in Albania   (INCA)

    EU Transparency Register

    997850549658-50 First registered on 31 Mar 2023

    Goals / Remit

    The Institute of Nature Conservation in Albania (INCA) is a Non-Governmental and non-profitable organization (NGO), established in July 2000, and registered as a charity by the District Court of Tirana in 16 July 2004, decision nr. 1087. INCA’s main goal is to work on establishing environmental safeguards, conservation of the natural treasures and support to sustainable rural development in the country. INCA activities aim to facilitate and help the professional capacity building of nature conservation practitioners through continuous training and participatory approach on issues related mainly with protection of flora and fauna, the assessment of biodiversity and the management of protected areas. INCA is also involved in raising awareness of the public and policy and decision makers. From 2012 INCA is leading the first network of NGOs related to the nature protection including 15 local NGOs. INCA is a member of IUCN, MedPAN and other regional forums (BioNET).

    Main EU files targeted

    Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of November 30th, 2009, on the conservation of wild birds (Assessing progres of Albania on the approximation and implementation of this directive). Council Directive 92/43/EEC of May 21st, 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and wild fauna and flora (Assessing the progres of Albania on the approximation and implementation of this directive).


    Head Office
    Rruga Islam Alla, Pall IVEA, Kat I
    Tirana 1001
    EU Office
    Rruga Islam Alla, Pall IVEA, Kat I
    Tirana 1001


  • People

    Total lobbyists declared


    Employment timeLobbyists

    Lobbyists (Full time equivalent)


    Lobbyists with EP accreditation

    No lobbyists with EP accreditations

    Complementary Information

    One employee from the organization is working half time to issues related to activities covered by the register (following up and assessing approximation and implementation level of nature conservation directives and regulations. Whenever necessary he is supported partially by two other staff members contributing to the delivery of specific tasks.

    Person in charge of EU relations

    Data not provided by Register Secretariat due to GDPR

    Person with legal responsibility

    Data not provided by Register Secretariat due to GDPR

  • Categories


    Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar

  • Networking


    International Union For Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
    Mediterranean Network of Protected Areas Managers (MedPAN)
    Western Balkans Regional Network of organizations working on Biodiversity (BioNET)

    Member organisations

    None declared

  • Financial Data

    Interests represented

    Does not represent commercial interests

    Closed financial year

    Jan 2023 - Dec 2023

    Lobbying costs for closed financial year

    Since 20 September 2021 self-declared 'non-commercial organisations' are no longer required to provide a lobby budget. See above timeline for this registrant's historical lobby budget.

    Total organisational budget in closed year


    Major funding types in closed year

    EU funding, Grants, Other

    Funding types "other" information

    The organization provides consulting and supporting services to entities implementing projects on nature conservation in Albania

    Major contributions in closed year

    Contribution International Union for Conservation of Nature 51,800€
    Contribution Interrag IPA Cross Border Cooperation Italy-Albania-Montenegro 50,204€
    Contribution United Nations Environmental Programme 46,630€
    Grant Interreg IPA Cross Border Cooperation Italy-Albania-Montenegro 50,204€

    Other financial info

    So far we have received no direct funding to cover the operational costs of the organisation, which makes it difficult to provide for sustainability of our activities in the long term.

  • EU Structures

    Groups (European Commission)

    None declared

    Groups (European Parliament)


    Communication activities

    As part of the Green27+ coalition, the Institute for Nature Conservation in Albania has contributed to the development and publication (April 2021) of the first "Alternative perspective on the environmental progress - Albania's accession negotiations with European Union on Chapter 27", covering issues related to the approximation and implementation level of EU directives and regulations on Nature protection subchapter. Occasionally, the organization is invited to participate in meetings with representatives of EU institutions.

    Other activities

    None declared

  • Meetings


    None declared

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