Lobbying Costs
50,000€ - 99,999€
Financial year: Jan 2022 - Dec 2022
Lobbyists (Full time equivalent)
1.75 Fte (4)
Lobbyists with EP accreditation
High-level Commission meetings
Lobbying Costs over the years
Unione Italiana del Lavoro (UIL)
EU Transparency Register
376222916112-22 First registered on 24 Feb 2015
Goals / Remit
UIL, Unione Italiana del Lavoro, is the democratic and unitarian trade union confederation of workers and
retired people of any belief, creed, political and ethnical belonging affiliated for the defense of rights and
common professional, economic social and moral interests in compliance with the principles of democracy
and freedom enshrined both in the Italian republican Constitution and the E.U. Charter of Fundamental
Rights proclaimed at the Nice European Council. Thanks to its more than 2 million members, UIL is the third
Italian trade union confederation. Its representation is expressed by means of a dual level: - a horizontal
level: through Regional unions and 107 provincial union chambers as well as the structures responsible
for assistance and protection to workers and retired people and the achievement of the so called "citizens'
trade union"; - a vertical level: with 16 industry-wide National Unions through which it concludes labour
contracts and performs an ac (...)Main EU files targeted
Dialogo sociale,
Politiche del lavoro (legislazione,formazione, welfare), Governance europea,
Salute e Sicurezza sul Lavoro,
Contrattazione collettiva,
Occupazione e crescita,
Coesione sociale,
Sviluppo sostenibile,
Pari opportunità,
Energia e ambiente,
Formazione e apprendimento continuo,
Politiche giovanili,
Diritti fondamentali,
Inclusione sociale.Address
Head Office
Via Lucullo 6
Boulevard du Jardin Botanique, 20
Bruxelles 1000
Total lobbyists declared
Employment time Lobbyists 75% 1 50% 1 25% 2 Lobbyists (Full time equivalent)
Lobbyists with EP accreditation
No lobbyists with EP accreditations
Complementary Information
None declared
Person in charge of EU relations
Data not provided by Register Secretariat due to GDPR
Person with legal responsibility
Data not provided by Register Secretariat due to GDPR
Trade unions and professional associations
La Uil aderisce e partecipa attivamente alla Confederazione Europea dei Sindacati. www.etuc.org e alla Confederazione Internazionale dei Sindacati (ITUC). www.ituc-csi.org
Inoltre, la UIL, è affiliata al TUAC (Trade Union Advisory Committee) to the OECDMember organisations
None declared
Financial Data
Interests represented
Promotes their own interests or the collective interests of their members
Closed financial year
Jan 2022 - Dec 2022
Lobbying costs for closed financial year
50,000€ - 99,999€
Major contributions in closed year
Type Name Amount Grant DG HOME - AMIF 1,924€ Grant DG EMPL - EASI 8,010€ Grant DG EMPL - VP/2020/004 15,332€ Major contributions in current year
Type Name Amount Grant DG EMPL - VP/2020/004 15,332€ Grant DG JUSTICE 49,987€ Intermediaries for closed year
None declaredIntermediaries for current year
None declaredClosed year Costs
50,000€ - 99,999€
Other financial info
Finanziamenti UE in base a progetti europei dove la UIL è/è stata benificario o co-beneficiaro (leading applicant or partner organisation)
DG HOME - AMIF: Progetto Union Migrant Net (UIL co-beneficiary/partner)
DG EMPL - VP/2020/004: Progetto "Don't Gig Up Never!" (UIL co-beneficiary/partner)
DG EMPL - EASI: Progetto EQW&L - EQUALITY FOR WORK AND LIFE (UIL co-beneficiary/partner)
DG JUSTICE: Progetto BEYOND (UIL beneficiary/Leading applicant) -
EU Structures
Groups (European Commission)
Advisory Committee on Vocational Training#X01803#https://ec.europa.eu/transparency/expert-groups-register/screen/expert-groups/consult?lang=en&groupID=1803 #MEMBER #C#Employees/workersEU OSH Information System#X01211/15#https://ec.europa.eu/transparency/expert-groups-register/screen/expert-groups/consult?lang=en&groupID=100906 #MEMBER #B#OtherAdvisory Committee on free movement of workers#X01784#https://ec.europa.eu/transparency/expert-groups-register/screen/expert-groups/consult?lang=en&groupID=1784 #MEMBER #C#Employees/workersIntérêt des représentants des travailleurs#X01211/3#https://ec.europa.eu/transparency/expert-groups-register/screen/expert-groups/consult?lang=en&groupID=100037 #MEMBER #B#OtherComité consultatif pour la sécurité et la santé sur le lieu de travail#X01211#https://ec.europa.eu/transparency/expert-groups-register/screen/expert-groups/consult?lang=en&groupID=1211 #ALTERNATE #B#Other
Groups (European Parliament)
attraverso la Confederazione Internazionale dei Sindacati (ITUC), la UIL partecipa al Policy Forum for DevelopmentCommunication activities
La Uil, in qualità di partner sociale nazionale, svolge un'attività di contrattazione a livello nazionale con la controparte imprenditoriale per la definizione dei contratti nazionali nei diversi settori.
Monitora l'attuazione delle politiche del lavoro.
In ambito nazionale, la Uil opera attraverso le proprie strutture territoriali e di categoria per definire contratti territoriali e di settoere. Attraverso il dialogo sociale, incide nell'individuazione delle scelte politiche del governo centrale e di quelli regionali anche per la corretta attuazione delle direttive europee e a favore degli interessi dei lavoratori e delle lavoratrici.Other activities
None declared
- Meetings
9 meetings found. Download meetings
The list below only covers meetings held since November 2014 with commissioners, their cabinet members or directors-general at the European Commission; other lobby meetings with lower-level staff may have taken place, but the European Commission doesn't proactively publish information about these meetings. For more information about which commissioner is responsible for which portfolio, check out this link: https://commissioners.ec.europa.eu/index_en All information below comes from European Commission web pages.
1 July 2024: We have noted that some meetings are appearing in duplicate, ie. some meetings seem to be listed twice. This seems to be because the Commission changes some element of a meeting data after the meeting has first been listed, which causes LobbyFacts to register it as a new meeting. We are investigating further.
Date 19 Nov 2021 Location Brussels Subject Occupational safety and work-related illness Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Nicolas Schmit Portfolio Jobs and Social Rights Attending - Anouk Faber (Cabinet member)
- Nicolas Schmit (Commissioner)
Other Lobbyists -
Date 21 Sep 2021 Location Brussels Subject Consultation hearing with organisations of platform workers on the ‘Initiative on improving working conditions in platform work’. Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Nicolas Schmit Portfolio Jobs and Social Rights Attending - Ana Carla Pereira (Cabinet member)
- Anouk Faber (Cabinet member)
- Nicolas Schmit (Commissioner)
Other Lobbyists -
Date 21 Sep 2021 Location Brussels Subject Consultation hearing with organisations of platform workers on the ‘Initiative on improving working conditions in platform work’. (to be completed) Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Nicolas Schmit Portfolio Jobs and Social Rights Attending - Nicolas Schmit (Commissioner)
- Ana Carla Pereira (Cabinet member)
- Anouk Faber (Cabinet member)
Other Lobbyists -
Date 30 Jan 2020 Location Rome Subject Social Europe, consultation on fair minimum wage, European semester Cabinet Cabinet of Executive Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis Portfolio An Economy that Works for People Attending - Valdis Dombrovskis (Executive Vice-President)
- Andrea Beltramello (Cabinet member)
Other Lobbyists -
Date 10 Dec 2019 Location Brussels Subject Minimum wage and collective bargaining Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Nicolas Schmit Portfolio Jobs and Social Rights Attending - Nicolas Schmit (Commissioner)
- Anouk Faber (Cabinet member)
- Antoine Kasel (Cabinet member)
- Santina Bertulessi (Cabinet member)
Other Lobbyists -
Date 05 Oct 2018 Location Brussels Subject Meeting on Italy's model of industrial relations in the European context Cabinet Cabinet of Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis Portfolio Euro and Social Dialogue, also in charge of Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union Attending - Maria Luisa Llano Cardenal (Cabinet member)
- Valdis Dombrovskis (Vice-President)
Other Lobbyists -
Date 13 Sep 2018 Location Brussels Subject Working conditions in aviation Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Violeta Bulc Portfolio Transport Attending - Matej Zakonjsek (Cabinet member)
- Joshua Salsby (Cabinet member)
Other Lobbyists -
Date 13 Sep 2018 Location Brussels Subject Working conditions in aviation Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Marianne Thyssen Portfolio Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility Attending - Inge Bernaerts (Cabinet member)
Other Lobbyists -
Date 13 Apr 2015 Location Rome, Italy Subject Meeting with social partners Cabinet Cabinet of Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis Portfolio Euro and Social Dialogue, also in charge of Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union Attending - Massimo Suardi (Cabinet member)
- Valdis Dombrovskis (Vice-President)
Other Lobbyists
- Meetings