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Below you will find a selection of stories which feature the work of LobbyFacts. Do send other links to us via the contact page.


Big Tech now edges out Big Energy in EU lobbying


Opinion piece on EUObserver: Brand new analysis by EU lobby data website LobbyFacts has revealed that the companies with the highest-declared lobby budgets have increased their spending by a third since 2015.

EU lobby

Grote bedrijven spenderen steeds meer aan beïnvloeding Europees beleid


Story from Grote bedrijven die actief zijn in de Europese Unie spenderen tot een derde meer aan lobbyen dan zeven jaar geleden. Dat blijkt uit nieuwe cijfers van lobbywaakhond Corporate Europe Observatory.

LF relaunch

LobbyFacts reveals major companies have increased lobby spending by one third


Story from Corporate Europe Observatory & LobbyControl: LobbyFacts shines a light on just how much money has been spent on lobbying in the past seven years, revealing that the companies with the highest declared lobby budgets have increased their spending by a third over this time.

LF Top 10 DE

LobbyFacts: Unternehmen geben immer mehr Geld für Lobbyarbeit in Brüssel aus


Story from LobbyControl: Recherche-Portal LobbyFacts ermöglicht noch bessere Recherchen der Daten im EU-Transparenzregister


Uber’s privileged access to politicians shows the lobby system urgently needs to change


Story from The Guardian: The European Commission has long been complacent about its revolving-door problem. It’s time to tackle corporate capture.

LF Uber

Uber: an EU lobby profile


Story from Corporate Europe Observatory: The Uber Files have laid out the lobby strategies, privileged access, revolving door hires, and indeed the capture of policy-making in various countries by the controversial hail-riding app. Uber is a regular visitor to the European Commission’s Berlaymont building in Brussels and its lobbying is geared to maintaining the privileges that gig economy businesses enjoy.