European Olympic Committees EU Office

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Registration as it was on 29 Aug 2023
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Since 20 September 2021 self-declared 'non-commercial organisations' are no longer required to provide a lobby budget. See above timeline for this registrant's historical lobby budget.

Lobbying Costs

None declared

Financial year: Jan 2022 - Dec 2022

Lobbyists (Full time equivalent)

6 Fte (7)

Lobbyists with EP accreditation


High-level Commission meetings


Lobbying Costs over the years

  • Info

    European Olympic Committees EU Office   (EOC EU Office)

    EU Transparency Register

    827752410362-51 First registered on 18 Dec 2012

    Goals / Remit

    To represent the European Olympic Committees in Brussels to the European Union. Furthermore, the EOC EU Office represents the interests of the Olympic Movement and other major sport organisations to the European institutions.

    Main EU files targeted

    The EOC EU Office is especially dealing with the following topics at the level of the
    European Union:
    - Sport governance: Autonomy of sport organisations, specificity of sport,
    cooperation between sport actors at European level.
    - Impact of EU law on sport: Internal market issues, competition policy, free
    movement, taxation, environmental topics.
    - Financing of sport: Economic impact of sport, gambling issues, EU funding
    programs and sport.
    - Societal role of sport: social aspects, physical activity, health issues, education and
    training, volunteering.


    Head Office
    Avenue de Cortenbergh, 71
    Bruxelles 1000
    EU Office
    Avenue de Cortenbergh, 71
    Bruxelles 1000


  • People

    Total lobbyists declared


    Employment timeLobbyists

    Lobbyists (Full time equivalent)


    Lobbyists with EP accreditation

    All Lobbyists with EP accreditation over time

    5 accreditations were / are live (in bold) for the selected state of 29 Aug 2023

    Name Start date End Date
    Elisabeth Strobach 19 Jun 2024 18 Jun 2025
    Jakob Krones 19 Jun 2024 18 Jun 2025
    Eva Rebmann 19 Jun 2024 18 Jun 2025
    Ms Eva REBMANN 04 Mar 2023 11 Mar 2024
    Ms Carlotta GIUSSANI 04 Mar 2023 11 Mar 2024
    Mr Andreas BOLD 04 Mar 2023 11 Mar 2024
    Folker HELLMUND 04 Mar 2023 11 Mar 2024
    Ms Noemie LETELLIER 19 Oct 2022 19 Oct 2023
    Mr Andreas BOLD 22 Dec 2021 22 Dec 2022
    Ms Heidi PEKKOLA 22 Dec 2021 22 Dec 2022
    Folker HELLMUND 22 Dec 2021 22 Dec 2022
    Ms Jana Janotova 22 Dec 2021 22 Dec 2022
    Ms Eva REBMANN 08 Dec 2021 08 Dec 2022
    Ms Carlotta GIUSSANI 08 Dec 2021 08 Dec 2022
    Mr Andreas BOLD 08 Feb 2020 06 Feb 2021
    Ms Jana Janotova 01 Oct 2019 01 Oct 2020
    Mr Valentin CAPELLI 01 Oct 2019 01 Oct 2020
    Folker HELLMUND 28 Sep 2019 26 Sep 2020
    Ms Heidi PEKKOLA 28 Sep 2019 26 Sep 2020
    Folker HELLMUND 07 Sep 2018 28 Sep 2019
    Ms Jana Janotova 07 Sep 2018 01 Oct 2019
    Folker HELLMUND 07 Sep 2018 26 Sep 2019
    Mr Valentin CAPELLI 07 Sep 2018 01 Oct 2019
    Mr Felix Schäfer 07 Sep 2018 28 Sep 2019
    Ms Heidi PEKKOLA 07 Sep 2018 28 Sep 2019
    Mr Valentin CAPELLI 16 Sep 2017 07 Sep 2018
    Mr Felix Schäfer 12 May 2017 04 May 2018
    Mr Matthias Van Baelen 12 May 2017 04 May 2018
    Folker HELLMUND 30 Sep 2016 28 Sep 2017
    Ms Jana Janotova 17 Sep 2016 07 Sep 2017
    Mr Valentin CAPELLI 17 Sep 2016 13 Sep 2017
    Mr Felix Schäfer 02 Apr 2016 31 Mar 2017
    Mr Matthias Van Baelen 02 Apr 2016 31 Mar 2017
    Folker HELLMUND 29 Sep 2015 22 Sep 2016
    Ms Jana Janotova 29 Sep 2015 01 Sep 2016
    Hellmund Folker 29 Sep 2015 01 Oct 2015
    Mr Valentin CAPELLI 29 Sep 2015 17 Sep 2016
    Mr Felix Schäfer 11 Feb 2015 05 Feb 2016
    Ms Florence Lefebvre Rangeon 05 Sep 2014 03 Sep 2015
    Mr Matthias Van Baelen 29 Nov 2014 27 Nov 2015
    Hellmund Folker 19 Sep 2014 17 Sep 2015
    Mrs Florence Lefebvre Rangeon 05 Sep 2014 27 Jan 2015
    Ms Jana Janotova 04 Sep 2014 02 Sep 2015
    Ms Charlotte Boetticher 10 Feb 2014 07 Feb 2015
    Mr Matthias Van Baelen 06 Dec 2013 29 Nov 2014
    Ms Charlotte Boetticher 20 Feb 2013 10 Feb 2014
    Mr Matthias Van Baelen 25 Jan 2013 06 Dec 2013

    Complementary Information

    None declared

    Person in charge of EU relations

    Data not provided by Register Secretariat due to GDPR

    Person with legal responsibility

    Data not provided by Register Secretariat due to GDPR

  • Categories


    Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar

  • Networking


    The EOC EU Office is the representation of the European Olympic Committees in Brussels, which is the umbrella organisation of 50 National Olympic Committees of Europe. The EOC is based in Rome, Italy.

    Member organisations

  • Financial Data

    Interests represented

    Does not represent commercial interests

    Closed financial year

    Jan 2022 - Dec 2022

    Lobbying costs for closed financial year

    Since 20 September 2021 self-declared 'non-commercial organisations' are no longer required to provide a lobby budget. See above timeline for this registrant's historical lobby budget.

    Total organisational budget in closed year


    Major funding types in closed year

    Member's contribution

    Major contributions in closed year

    Contribution EOC 195,000€
    Contribution IOC 125,000€

    Other financial info

    None declared

  • EU Structures

    Groups (European Commission)


    Groups (European Parliament)

    Sport Intergroup

    Communication activities

    Project under Erasmus-Sport-2022: Olympic Committee of Europe Approaching Carbon Neutrality (OCEAN)

    Project under ERASMUS-SPORT-2021-SCP (Cooperation partnerships): Guidance to Achieve More Equal leadership in Sport (GAMES)

    Other activities

    None declared

  • Meetings


    20 meetings found. Download meetings

    The list below only covers meetings held since November 2014 with commissioners, their cabinet members or directors-general at the European Commission; other lobby meetings with lower-level staff may have taken place, but the European Commission doesn't proactively publish information about these meetings. For more information about which commissioner is responsible for which portfolio, check out this link: All information below comes from European Commission web pages.

    1 July 2024: We have noted that some meetings are appearing in duplicate, ie. some meetings seem to be listed twice. This seems to be because the Commission changes some element of a meeting data after the meeting has first been listed, which causes LobbyFacts to register it as a new meeting. We are investigating further.

    • Date 21 Feb 2023 Location Brussels
      Subject EC-EOC arrangement of cooperation implementation
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Mariya Gabriel
      Portfolio Digital Economy and Society
      • Mariya Gabriel (Commissioner)
    • Date 21 Feb 2023 Location Brussels
      Subject EC-EOC arrangement of cooperation implementation
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Mariya Gabriel
      Portfolio Innovation and Youth
      • Mariya Gabriel (Commissioner)
    • Date 10 Mar 2022 Location Brussels
      Subject -EOC contribution to the conference on the Future of Europe. -European Sport Model -Arrangement for cooperation between EC-EOC
      Cabinet Cabinet of Vice-President Margaritis Schinas
      Portfolio Promoting the European Way of Life
      • Margaritis Schinas (Vice-President)
      • Vangelis Demiris (Cabinet member)
    • Date 11 Oct 2021 Location Brussels, BERL
      Subject Meeting with Mr. Spyros Capralos, President of the Hellenic Olympic Committee and President of the European Olympic Committees
      Cabinet Cabinet of Vice-President Margaritis Schinas
      Portfolio Promoting the European Way of Life
      • Margaritis Schinas (Vice-President)
      • Vangelis Demiris (Cabinet member)
    • Date 22 Sep 2020 Location virtual
      Subject concrete proposals for safeguarding the European Sport Model thanks to short, medium and long terms solutions
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Mariya Gabriel
      Portfolio Digital Economy and Society
      • Mariya Gabriel (Commissioner)
    • Date 22 Sep 2020 Location virtual
      Subject concrete proposals for safeguarding the European Sport Model thanks to short, medium and long terms solutions
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Mariya Gabriel
      Portfolio Innovation and Youth
      • Mariya Gabriel (Commissioner)
    • Date 02 Jul 2020 Location Video-conferencing
      Subject Sport
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Mariya Gabriel
      Portfolio Digital Economy and Society
      • Mariya Gabriel (Commissioner)
    • Date 02 Jul 2020 Location Video-conferencing
      Subject Sport
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Mariya Gabriel
      Portfolio Innovation and Youth
      • Mariya Gabriel (Commissioner)
    • Date 15 Jan 2020 Location Brussels
      Subject European Evening of Sport
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Mariya Gabriel
      Portfolio Digital Economy and Society
      • Guglielmo Di Cola (Cabinet member)
    • Date 15 Jan 2020 Location Brussels
      Subject European Evening of Sport
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Mariya Gabriel
      Portfolio Innovation and Youth
      • Guglielmo Di Cola (Cabinet member)
    • Date 21 Feb 2019 Location BERL Bruxelles
      Subject Funding opportunities Ukrainian sport actors and cooperation with EU + Erasmus
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Tibor Navracsics
      Portfolio Education, Culture, Youth and Sport
      • Tibor Navracsics (Commissioner)
    • Date 03 May 2016 Location Brussels
      Subject Digital Single Market and Sport Broadcasting
      Cabinet Cabinet of Vice-President Andrus Ansip
      Portfolio Digital Single Market
      • Stig Joergen Gren (Cabinet member)
      • Andrus Ansip (Vice-President)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 03 May 2016 Location Brussels
      Subject Digital Single Market and Sport Broadcasting
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Tibor Navracsics
      Portfolio Education, Culture, Youth and Sport
      • Tibor Navracsics (Commissioner)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 26 Apr 2016 Location Brussels
      Subject Commission Sport Policy
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Tibor Navracsics
      Portfolio Education, Culture, Youth and Sport
      • Szabolcs Horvath (Cabinet member)
    • Date 21 Apr 2016 Location Ancient Olympia, Greece
      Subject Major challenges to professional sport
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Tibor Navracsics
      Portfolio Education, Culture, Youth and Sport
      • Tibor Navracsics (Commissioner)
    • Date 26 Nov 2015 Location Brussels
      Subject Copyright reform, portability, fight against piracy
      Cabinet Cabinet of Vice-President Andrus Ansip
      Portfolio Digital Single Market
      • Andrus Ansip (Vice-President)
      • Stig Joergen Gren (Cabinet member)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 26 Nov 2015 Location Brussels
      Subject Digital Single Market
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Tibor Navracsics
      Portfolio Education, Culture, Youth and Sport
      • Tibor Navracsics (Commissioner)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 16 Jul 2015 Location Brussels, Belgium
      Subject Reform of visa and the impact on sport
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos
      Portfolio Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship
      • Diane Schmitt (Cabinet member)
      • Polykarpos Adamidis (Cabinet member)
    • Date 01 Jun 2015 Location Lausanne, Switzerland
      Subject Major challenges to professional sport
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Tibor Navracsics
      Portfolio Education, Culture, Youth and Sport
      • Tibor Navracsics (Commissioner)
    • Date 03 Mar 2015 Location Brussels
      Subject Erasmus+ assessment of the first call; Data protection; European Evening of Sport (6 May); European Games
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Tibor Navracsics
      Portfolio Education, Culture, Youth and Sport
      • Szabolcs Horvath (Cabinet member)
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