Fagligt Fælles Forbund

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Registration as it was on 17 Oct 2022
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The following entries are flagged as duplicates of this organisation: 102219114037-90


Lobbying Costs

300,000€ - 399,999€

Financial year: Jan 2021 - Dec 2021

Lobbyists (Full time equivalent)

4.25 Fte (8)

Lobbyists with EP accreditation


High-level Commission meetings


Lobbying Costs over the years

  • Info

    Fagligt Fælles Forbund   (3F)

    EU Transparency Register

    790395022789-84 First registered on 25 Jul 2016

    Goals / Remit

    3F's formål er at varetage, forsvare og forbedre medlemmernes interesser og rettigheder. Det gælder både fagligt og politisk.
    Nogle af de centrale mål for 3F er:

    fuld beskæftigelse
    et rummeligt arbejdsmarked
    et sikkert arbejdsmiljø
    uddannelse til alle.
    3F vil også være det fællesskab, der sikrer medlemmernes rettigheder og muligheder for indflydelse på udviklingen på arbejdsmarkedet og på eget liv.

    3F vil arbejde for:
    - gennem kollektive overenskomster at sikre den enkelte lønmodtagers rettigheder og tryghed i arbejdslivet
    - at styrke lønmodtagernes medbestemmelse på arbejdspladserne
    - at den enkelte får muligheder for at tage ansvar for sin egen situation og medansvar for helheden
    - at ingen forskelsbehandles, hverken direkte eller indirekte på grund af køn, alder, handicap, race, hudfarve, religion, politisk anskuelse, seksuel orientering eller national, social eller etnisk oprindelse.
    - at der på et bæredygtigt grundlag skabes job til alle, økonomisk ret (...)

    Main EU files targeted

    Beskæftigelses- og arbejdsmarkedspolitik, socialpolitik, økonomisk politik, handelspolitik, social dialog, arbejdsret/ansættelsesret, uddannelsespolitik, arbejdsmiljøpolitik, internationalt samarbejde

    Minimum wage, Social Pillar, reinsurance scheme, platform workers, European Labour Authority, Revision 883/04, Transparent and Predictable Working Conditions, Mobility Package, MFF, just transition, European social security number, Public procurement, TWA, pay transparency, Brexit, skills, etc.


    Head Office
    Kampmannsgade 4
    København V 1790
    EU Office
    Rue du Luxembourg 47-51
    Brussels null - 1050


  • People

    Total lobbyists declared


    Employment timeLobbyists

    Lobbyists (Full time equivalent)


    Lobbyists with EP accreditation

    All Lobbyists with EP accreditation over time

    2 accreditations were / are live (in bold) for the selected state of 17 Oct 2022

    Name Start date End Date
    Nadia Alexandra DEIS 24 Jan 2024 23 Jan 2025
    Caroline Amalie HERTEL 25 Oct 2023 24 Oct 2024
    Cecilie SJØSTEDT JELLESEN 09 Sep 2023 26 Apr 2024
    Esther KELLER 04 Nov 2022 04 Nov 2023
    Nadia Alexandra DEIS 04 Nov 2022 04 Nov 2023
    Nadja Lundholm OLSEN 04 Nov 2022 04 Nov 2023
    Caroline Amalie HERTEL 19 Oct 2022 19 Oct 2023
    Andreas KRIEGBAUM SØGAARD JENSEN 26 Aug 2022 01 Mar 2023
    Marie VERGO 08 Feb 2022 06 Aug 2022
    Elisabeth TOSTI NIELSEN 26 Jan 2022 26 Jan 2023
    Simon Redder Momsen 30 Sep 2021 26 Jan 2022
    Christina LARSEN 28 Sep 2021 01 Apr 2022
    Nadia Alexandra DEIS 28 Sep 2021 28 Sep 2022
    Simon Redder Momsen 07 Mar 2020 06 Mar 2021
    Amalie Holst MADSEN 07 Mar 2020 01 Oct 2020
    Karsten SKJELLERUP 04 Feb 2020 04 Aug 2020
    Nadia Alexandra DEIS 21 Dec 2019 19 Sep 2020
    Amalie Holst MADSEN 06 Sep 2019 06 Mar 2020
    Tina CHRISTENSEN 22 Jan 2019 22 Jan 2020
    Nadja Lundholm OLSEN 22 Jan 2019 22 Jan 2020
    Simon Redder Momsen 11 Jan 2019 11 Jan 2020
    Peter Rejnholdt PETERSEN 11 Jan 2019 11 Jan 2020
    Mr Flemming OVERGAARD 22 Nov 2017 21 Nov 2018
    Mr Hans Christian GRAVERSEN 20 Nov 2017 17 Nov 2018

    Complementary Information

    We are three full time staff in Brussels and several travelling from Denmark to attend meetings etc, so the amount 5 expressing 25 % is an estimation of average work time.

    Person in charge of EU relations

    Data not provided by Register Secretariat due to GDPR

    Person with legal responsibility

    Data not provided by Register Secretariat due to GDPR

  • Categories


    Trade unions and professional associations

  • Networking


    FH: www.fho.dk
    EFFAT: www.effat.org
    Uni-Europa: www.uni-europa.org
    EPSU: www.epsu.org
    ETF: www.etf-europe.org
    IndustriAll: www.industriall-union.org/
    EFBWW: www.efbww.org

    Member organisations

    None declared

  • Financial Data

    Interests represented

    Promotes their own interests or the collective interests of their members

    Closed financial year

    Jan 2021 - Dec 2021

    Lobbying costs for closed financial year

    300,000€ - 399,999€

    Major contributions in closed year

    None declared

    Intermediaries for closed year

    None declared

    Intermediaries for current year

    None declared

    Closed year Costs

    300,000€ - 399,999€

    Other financial info

    None declared

  • EU Structures

    Groups (European Commission)


    Groups (European Parliament)


    Communication activities

    Publication: 50 proposals for a workers' EU (2021)
    Publication: Why one size does not fit all (2020)
    Publication: European Social Security Number (2020)

    Other activities

    None declared

  • Meetings


    13 meetings found. Download meetings

    The list below only covers meetings held since November 2014 with commissioners, their cabinet members or directors-general at the European Commission; other lobby meetings with lower-level staff may have taken place, but the European Commission doesn't proactively publish information about these meetings. For more information about which commissioner is responsible for which portfolio, check out this link: https://commissioners.ec.europa.eu/index_en All information below comes from European Commission web pages.

    1 July 2024: We have noted that some meetings are appearing in duplicate, ie. some meetings seem to be listed twice. This seems to be because the Commission changes some element of a meeting data after the meeting has first been listed, which causes LobbyFacts to register it as a new meeting. We are investigating further.

    • Date 07 Nov 2022 Location Brussels
      Subject Directive on platform work, digitalization of social security coordination, Working conditions, Social Dialogue.
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Nicolas Schmit
      Portfolio Jobs and Social Rights
      • Antoine Kasel (Cabinet member)
      • Anouk Faber (Cabinet member)
      • Nicolas Schmit (Commissioner)
      • Ana Carla Pereira (Cabinet member)
    • Date 15 Nov 2021 Location Online
      Subject Minimum Wage
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Nicolas Schmit
      Portfolio Jobs and Social Rights
      • Anouk Faber (Cabinet member)
      • Nicolas Schmit (Commissioner)
      • Ana Carla Pereira (Cabinet member)
    • Date 13 Oct 2021 Location webex
      Subject platform work
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Nicolas Schmit
      Portfolio Jobs and Social Rights
      • Ana Carla Pereira (Cabinet member)
    • Date 21 Sep 2021 Location Brussels
      Subject Consultation hearing with organisations of platform workers on the ‘Initiative on improving working conditions in platform work’.
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Nicolas Schmit
      Portfolio Jobs and Social Rights
      • Ana Carla Pereira (Cabinet member)
      • Anouk Faber (Cabinet member)
      • Nicolas Schmit (Commissioner)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 21 Sep 2021 Location Brussels
      Subject Consultation hearing with organisations of platform workers on the ‘Initiative on improving working conditions in platform work’. (to be completed)
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Nicolas Schmit
      Portfolio Jobs and Social Rights
      • Anouk Faber (Cabinet member)
      • Nicolas Schmit (Commissioner)
      • Ana Carla Pereira (Cabinet member)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 16 Dec 2020 Location online
      Subject European Pillar of Social Rights
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Nicolas Schmit
      Portfolio Jobs and Social Rights
      • Ana Carla Pereira (Cabinet member)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 01 Dec 2020 Location Videoconference
      Subject The European Pillar of Social Rights
      Cabinet Cabinet of President Ursula von der Leyen
      Portfolio President
      • Maria Luisa Cabral (Cabinet member)
    • Date 08 Sep 2020 Location Videoonference
      Subject Roundtable on platform work.
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Nicolas Schmit
      Portfolio Jobs and Social Rights
      • Nicolas Schmit (Commissioner)
      • Anouk Faber (Cabinet member)
      • Ana Carla Pereira (Cabinet member)
      Other Lobbyists
    • Date 13 Feb 2020 Location Brussels
      Subject Consultation on minimum wage and the communication on a social Europe for just transition
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Nicolas Schmit
      Portfolio Jobs and Social Rights
      • Ana Carla Pereira (Cabinet member)
    • Date 12 Dec 2019 Location Copenhagen, Denmark
      Subject Minimum wage, collective bargaining and worker mobility
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Nicolas Schmit
      Portfolio Jobs and Social Rights
      • Anouk Faber (Cabinet member)
      • Nicolas Schmit (Commissioner)
      • Eugenia Dumitriu-Segnana (Cabinet member)
      • Antoine Kasel (Cabinet member)
    • Date 08 Nov 2019 Location Brussels, Belgium
      Subject Social balance in european green transition and investments
      DG Energy
      • Ditte Juul Jørgensen (Director-General)
    • Date 20 Mar 2019 Location Bruxelles
      Subject Presentation of inside thoughts from DG EMPL on the expectations regarding the next Commission and its possible work program with regards to employment and labour market affairs.
      DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
      • Joost Korte (Director-General)
    • Date 22 Jun 2018 Location Copenhagen, Denmark
      Subject EU Current Affairs
      Cabinet Cabinet of Commissioner Margrethe Vestager
      Portfolio Competition
      • Margrethe Vestager (Commissioner)
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